IoT Solution for Electric Vehicle Asset Tracking and Condition Monitoring
For electric vehicles, asset tracking and condition monitoring are critical to ensure real-time visibility into the state of and location of assets.
A major player in the manufacturing sector, the client who approached us is manufacturing Electric Vehicles (EVs). The client wanted a solution to gain increased their visibility of the EVs by monitoring the energy level and health of the battery. The client wanted a solution to ensure their EVs’ safety, identify potential theft, ensure smooth running and reduce the service cost.
The Problem Outline
The client had given us their pain points and challenges to considered to develop the solution. The solution is based on our IoT enabled remote asset monitoring system which has to ensure real-time visibility of faults by monitoring parameters from remote locations, such as condition monitoring, checking EV battery health charging status, measuring energy usage level and Identifying Potential Thefts. Using telematics, the solution can track critical electric vehicle data generated which would be helpful to fleet managers. The solution we offer is built on the Particle IoT Platform for rapid deployment and customization. It is a scalable application that can accommodate additions to the fleet.
The Solution Summary
As the client required an automated asset monitoring system, we offered the solution based on our universal IoT platform to improve capabilities and be unique from the competitors. The software for monitoring aims to achieve real-time visibility of EVs connected to the platform. It can reduce cost occurrence and the spending for EV, using preventive maintenance and service schedules.
The real-time monitoring system can reduce Turn Around time for service executives, with quick fault detection. It improves efficiency and at save time using remote diagnostics enabled in the software. Developing a Modular Solution for monitoring vehicles and to achieve real-time visibility of EV the real-time monitoring system enables reliable secure bidirectional communication. Having a robust data management system architecture, the Value Addition helps to maintain the vehicle performance and improve life time of EVs.
The customised IIoT solution is made to provide condition monitoring, ensure real-time updates and automated alerts when there is a discrepancy detected in parameters being monitored. The Solution helps the maintenance engineer to increase his visibility by monitoring specific metrics by integrating them to the IIoT platform. The client gets to connect with the expertise in IoT, to know more about things related to EV health monitoring. The solution thereby offers quick ROI, as it helps to improve the equipment’s efficiency. Before development of the system we check feasibility and do a Proof of Concept for the client.
Outcome / Result
- OEM Software is built by in-house developer to match customer requirements
- A tailor-made and customised solution, specific for your business needs/pain points
- Data-driven results and trends used for timely, quick decision-making
- With domain expertise, the solution experts work closely, to offer value addition to your business
- Expertise in 3rd party device integration and on single unified powerful platform
- The system offers expectation based monitoring & custom based reporting
Trinetra tSense has been able to provide a customised solution to the client with their expertise and experience. To meet all their requirements, the automated IIoT platform helps to remotely monitor numerous parameters providing visibility in real-time, at all times of a number of assets. The bidirectional communication protocol of the IIoT platform transmits necessary data for analytics run on the robust data management system architecture. This solution offers value addition to client in the maintenance of the machines, equipment or vehicles, in its performance and for its improved life span, allowing to transform the business quickly but cost effectively.