The world faced disruption when the pandemic hit normal life drastically, withrapiddigitalisation happening and IoT ennobled innovations adopted will continue into the future too.
Across the world we are going through difficult times personally, socially and economically. As we see the challenges, competition and disruption happening, we also see a big change in both businesses and consumers towards digitalisation and their digital behaviour.
The Pandemic and Repercussions
The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus outbreak has impacted us all, individually and nation-wide, changing our life’s daily activities to a great extent. A lot has shifted online to give us all new digital experiences and interactions. The outbreak in 2020 also marked aturning point for IoT-driven technologies and many online products, services and businesses because of the unprecedented pandemic that has shaken the world and is continuing to affect most parts of the world
The healthcare space has been affected the most. IoT driven innovations are helping this space prettywell. To help patients affected, various availability management tools are now used to locate hospitals, beds, testing facilities, etc. Another trend developing is remote diagnosis, health monitoring, medical assistance and analysis. Modern IoT devices are providing monitoring, measuring and data facilities through online and remote sources and systems. This trend that has started with the pandemic crisis, is surely extending into the future.
These smart devices, wearables and applications would require qualitative Internet connectivity and will be getting many more features, cloud analytics and AI/ML driven applications. The same challenge and pressure of the crisis have hit not only healthcare but other industries and businesses. The affected too have further automated their processes to work efficiently with very limited staff. Those companies who implemented such systems prior to the pandemic outbreak did not suffer as hard during the crisis. Some had even notable growth results. One example is Amazon, which has gained a lot of business globally. Another is Ocado of Britain.
IoT innovations that have made an impact recentlyor are trending include:
- Remote tracking of trucks with GPS
- Transport cost optimization applications
- Autonomous warehousing system
- Real-time path and network flow optimization
- Flexible storage/shelf management
- Automated and assisted manual picking up systems
IoT innovations from equipment makers are also trending:
Video Telematics
Video telematics provides video footage augmented with vehicle data and driver data in the context of incident footage and video evidence in real-time. It uses GPS tracking system with on-board diagnostics to provide insight into many areas, such as, driver behaviour. However, mobile networks need to evolve more capacity to adequately handle transmission of video in real-time. Obviously 5G networks could be the game-changer on this front in future, to help breathe new life into telematics video monitoring.
Wireless Sensors
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a trending technology. BLE is a wireless tech which is constantly evolving and offering opportunities to manufacturers. It has many advantages and is aimed at sectors like healthcare, security, fitness, smart homes and entertainment. In future we will find a range of interesting devices and solutions coming into the telematics services space.
Transition of Mobile Networks
The current 2G/3G networks are overloaded by the growing number of connected IoT devices and the solution is the 4G-LTE-M network which is a specific option for such devices. This Low Power WAN option riding on the 4G-LTE-M network fulfils the requirements for IoT. This is a long range, low power option in cellular tech and equipment manufacturers will revise their product portfolio as more countries will prefer to switch off the 2G and 3G networks for 4G-LTE, or even for 5G.
To Conclude
In the future, there is going to be strong support for IoT and also great potential for backward compatibility and IoT retrofitting, given how rapidly IoT solutions are being adopted and innovated at commercial, consumer and enterprise levels.
The term Industry 4.0 refers to the industry entering the fourth industrial revolution, driven by technologies like large-scale M2M communications, the IoT, and wider application of AI/ML. Leaders of businesses, services and industries are first to adopt IIoT technology, astheyknow IoT aims to benefit all stakeholders occupying the digital ecosystem, offering to open up new business and revenue streams with great growth potential.
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