NB-IOT promises business benefits in networking connected devices.

NB-IOT promises business benefits in networking connected devices.

Studies tell us that about 7.6 billion IoT devices will be actively connected on the Interne of Things platforms by the end of this year. This inevitably means that data traffic will also keep increasing radically, as it’s expected to hit 24 billion devices by 2030. To meet demands of this growth we’ll need a dependable network spectrum to support such prolific deployment.

This is where NarrowBand IoT will play a role as the top Low Power Wide Area Network solution, also called as NB-IoT or LTE-M2, that is not part of the licensed LTE platform. This LPWAN works on any one option out of the three given methods. It works independently or uses the 200 kHz bandwidth earlier used by GSM which is now unused. Or it works on a resource block on LTE allocated to NB-IoT operations. Narrowband IoT promises to offer more business benefits for IoT deployments envisaged in the digital future. Here’s how it works out!

Save on Costs.

Simpler technologies like the NB-IoT ensures lesser power. On the other hand, NB-IoT chips are easier to create and also come cheaper. There is lesser complexity in analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, buffering and channel estimation, in the 200 kHz frontend and digitiser of NB-IoT.

Efficient Power Usage

Power efficiency of IoT devices is crucial as all IoT technologies are developed to save power when not operating. However, they do draw energy when the modem is handling signal processing.

Deployment is wider

The NB-IoT when connected to LTE-M1 has lower bitrates and link budgets. Besides the NB-IoT can directly connect the sensors to the base station not needing gateways to provide connectivity offering wider deployment in various sectors and industries.

Better Reliability

Using NB-IoT the service can be rolled out on a licensed spectrum which offers better reliability for users and thereby offer guaranteed resource allocation required for managed Quality of Service.

Reach out globally

NB-IoT can be rolled out on LTE networks widespread around the world. Regions with less LTE can use the slots of larger GSM deployments on the unused bands to host NB-IoT devices. This also helps IoT innovators to enter new markets, via an affordable entry point, globally.

To Conclude

  • Nevertheless, some things affect the deployment of NB IoT, as most carriers move over to LTE platform. With NB IoT running on a marginal bandwidth there is a cost for developing initial operating software for devices and industrial IoT.
  • Equipment could become complex to use the existing GSM spectrum in some places. To top it off the telecom giants levy charges as licensing fees for NB IoT usage. However, the industry is looking to use the underutilized slots in the 200 kHz bandwidth as a potential to make this spectrum the best power wide area network to dominate the Low Power Wide Area Network domain.
  • Security of IoT devices and data should be given high priority and integrated with Data Analytics that’s used to develop a solution that work’s in a highly connected environment.
  • T-Sense’s IoT platform has many customizable applications that helps development of IoT devices to empower your company (or smart factory) to gain efficiency and benefits.

You can submit an enquiry or request. You may also discuss about your requirements and plans with our team of professionals to get clarity.

Secure your Industrial IOT devices and data from threats and breaches.

industrial IoT solutions

Security of Internet of Things devices and data should be given high priority. It’s not an add-on or afterthought for the system or platform, because by 2025 there’ll be 25 billion connected devices around the world and to keep all this secure is an immense task. This scenario opens both a vast opportunity and a big risk! How do you ensure the data from billions of devices on the network isn’t compromised? How will enterprises and industrial manufacturers secure IoT deployments and solutions from threats and breaches?

The real success of Industrial IoT solutions depends on security monitoring, integrity of the devices and the data generated by the solution, while mitigating cyber security risks. Building trust in IIoT solutions is the first step and Trinetra T-Sense is very aware of this. Obviously the benefits of IoT are multiple, but a majority of businesses are deterred by the high cost of security and the correlative uncertainty of suffering high-profile cyber-attacks and security breaches.

Security Is Critical. A survey has revealed that in 2020 some 85% of companies will be implementing IoT in one or several of their business models, domain areas or operations. However, this digital transition to capitalise on the positive effects of being a smart enterprise also implies paying due attention to IIoT security. With the influx of IoT and spread of cloud services, enterprises (or manufacturers) are urged to enhance their security and policies, as incidents of security breaches and cyber-attacks have become recurrent despite its benefits.

An IIoT platform has to ensure a non-disruptive smart workflow across the enterprise to protect assets, remote assets and employees and secure critical digital information from hackers using a security system. Let us examine the most frequent IIoT challenges in security and steps in mitigating such risks. T-Sense IoT solutions will be following such guidelines and standards when customising or building a system for a client.

Identify and outline the Challenges. To find critical challenges we have to examine the components of IIoT system which composes of many interconnected devices, software integration, data transmission and internet access. Most susceptible to hacking are the interfaces connecting humans and machines, data acquisition systems, supervisory controls, PLCs and the distributed control systems. At T-Sense our team can help you to create a security system customised to your environment besides safely integrating it into your existing systems.

First identify present security threats and identify probable ones that can arise later as risks may change over time and circumstances. Never ignore security factors in an industrial environment as it could lead to serious consequences. Ensure compliance to IIoT security standards and best practices. We’ll discuss here steps to take to protect your smart factory or enterprise by outlining the characteristic types of risks your enterprise or factory may face.

  • Check for data integrity, availability of services and damaged equipment, inventory or products, as problems may originate here.
  • Detect the vulnerable devices and applications that are in the system by creating a registry of all components from the smallest sensor onwards. If any component or device shows non-typical behaviour it will be easy to identify security vulnerabilities and potential threats.
  • Form the access or privilege policy to know exactly who has access to each component or device in the registry to detect or prevent potential threats.
  • Monitor the non-typical or suspicious activity that are not following the set standards or process. As all are interconnected the compromise of one device would be an indicator or early warning. Monitor the most critical devices as per priority.

Use software for Security. Security systems for a smart enterprise or factory have to be also smart. Advanced security solutions have to handle and assimilate very large data sets and traffic and be scalable to meet the requirements of an IIoT platform. Both security and non-security data have to be monitored in real-time and support alerts & notifications.To identify threat, data should be continuously monitored, captured, indexed, classified and analysed from various sources including firewalls, and anti-virus software. Integrated with Data Analytics it can be put into good use to develop a solution that is needed in a highly connected digital world.

T-Sense’s Industrial IoT platform has many customisable applications that can help development of a solution to empower your company (or factory)  and to undergo digital transformation. Or just post an enquiry or request You can also contact our team of professionals to discuss on your requirements and plans.

IoT based Business Models accelerate the digital transformation.

As more business models are built on an IoT platform, the move is fast reducing the gaps in the digital world to bridge all the users involved. IoT platforms make it possible to build viable business models related to an industry or sector. As devices get interconnected, they organically generate data relevant for the business, which in turn can be create a revenue funnel.

Businesses have to stay updated and IoT is constantly evolving to empower the right business model for the stakeholders participating. Here we look at some of the popular typed of business models that increases revenue and support growth.

Platform Based Model.  This model is not new and is popular among large companies as many systems are being developed inside or separately in the organisation. It aims to connect producers with consumers and generate revenue out of transactions. Companies like Amazon use it and also collect 3rd party data using its interoperability and interconnection. A preferred voice recognition application like Alexa gets revenue for Amazon for developing of apps for companies.

Outcome focused Model. The outcome based business model focuses only on the end result and pays for only that. This kind of model is focuses on the transport sector. For instance, instead of buying a vehicle, a suitable mode of transportation can be hired or rented, if the use is for a specific time. The advantages of this model are:

  • Less communication cost
  • Flexible business model
  • Lesser fuel cost
  • Secure payment system
  • Following GREEN policy
  • Minimal regulations
  • Sharing of resources

Tracking of Assets. Stakeholders in logistics and supply chain management have been the early adopters of IoT Technology for asset tracking. Shipping and logistics companies boost the visibility of their supply chain operations in real-time but with a nominal cost. Using connected devices and GPS tech, asset tracking not only increases visibility, it reduces theft, waste and inefficiencies,
Preventive Maintenance. The monitoring system in IoT helps to protect valuable on-field assets. OEMs have found expensive equipment can be maintained at minimal cost without on-site inspection. Remote monitoring with connected devices that provide real-time data on critical parameters, do the job effectively. Based on this data preventive maintenance schedules can be developed and the moving or immobile assets kept in optimal working condition.

Model for Monitoring Compliance. Compliance is an issue faced by many companies and manufacturers. It is costly to keep spending on quality assurance checks across varying regulations on safety or environmental and economic fronts for non-compliance. So, to reduce the level of expenditure to an extent, compliance monitoring is done via IoT technology by remotely checking on parameters essential for compliance and for the needed metrics. This is cost effective and makes the process more responsive, as IoT devices provide constantly updated information in real-time, thereby reducing any penalty or risks in safety.

Iot based business models are evolving along with Data Analytics and has touched a point where robust integration and synergy is needed to strategically develop a solution that is needed in the businesses of a connected digital world. For eg., a Digital Integration Hub (DIH) architecture is required to enable multiple applications the access to accumulated cache of data obtained over a computing platform.

So, consider Trinetra T-Sense’s IoT platform with a host customisable applications, when developing a business model. We offer solutions to empower your businesses and effectively plan your Business Model to face the highly challenging digital transformation,  To learn more about us and our offerings go over our Trinetra Tsense website. Or send us an enquiry, or contact us to discuss on your requirements with our professionals.

We see a fast growing correlation between IoT and Data Analytics

As the world swiftly advances digitally with more technological developments and innovations, there is going to be a huge amount of data generated. So, how will Data Analytics and IoT technologies play a big role to manage things? Forbes predicts that the quantity of data generated will hit 175 Zettabytes by the year 2025. This will have tremendous implications in how data will be collected, analysed, presented and stored.

We realise that to assimilate the incredible amount of data collected or cached from IoT sensors and devices, it is implicit that we have a very advanced data analytics system ready to harness it. This system should be able to find correlations and trends, such that business leaders can get actionable insights to improve enterprise capabilities.

The IOT system amasses structured and unstructured data every second and there will be challenges in processing them in real-time. This is where Data Analytics comes in, to manage the main aspects of the task, such as volume, velocity and variety of data. Data Analytics software has the potential to process this avalanche of information. With seamless connectivity, this forms the synthesis between Data Analytics and IoT to help enterprises augment their operations and expand potential.

Data Analytics System is key

The IoT platform connects a large number of heterogeneous devices or gadgets, to transfer data continuously. The analytical system assimilates this raw data to provide valuable insights & reports for the advantage of the enterprises. The system and the platform should be scalable to accommodate more inputs in future emanating from edge to cloud. The data is mined and filtered using different kinds of data analytics, depending on the objectives or goals. Real-time analysis of streaming data with the stored data helps in defining patterns and in research, as in financial transactions or fleet tracking. Another area of Data Analytics is when IoT input data in relation to physical location of sensors can provide insights and help predictive analysis.

Integration on the System.

Although modern businesses currently find capturing, analysing and reporting IoT data as mandatory, there are challenges as this technology is in infant stage. Streaming Data comes in different formats over multiple channels and Analytical systems face the challenge to collect, filter and integrate data to ensure that in whatever format it is received, it is actionable enough to obtain insights. Text mining, machine learning, AI, are all now being used to extract textual info. But non-textual data, like in videos or images, just can’t be analysed instantly.

Security & Privacy of Data.

The IoT platform often handles sensitive information that need to be protected from risks, which is difficult to secure during analysis. The continuous influx of data forces the system to rely on 3rd party infrastructure owing to limited capacity, and that may become a security risk. So, data encryption and anonymity is required to ensure data security and privacy, to prevent hacking or phishing.

IoT and Data Analytics have seen innovative developments happening quickly in recent years to seamlessly blend technologies and data sources to develop strategies. Processing massive quantities of digital data is of paramount importance to enterprises and organisations, owing to the proliferation of devices and various sensors in this decade.

The inter-relationship of Data Analytics  and IoT has touched a point where robust integration and synergy is needed to strategically manage things or to develop a solution in the connected digital world. For instance, a Digital Integration Hub (DIH) architecture is needed to enable multiple applications to access the aggregated cache of data at in-memory speeds over a computing platform.

To empower your businesses or assets and effectively plan your business strategies for the highly challenging digital world, consider Trinetra T-Sense’s IoT platform with customisable applications and solutions. To learn more about us, visit our Trinetra Tsense website. Or send us an enquiry, or contact us to discuss on your requirements with our professionals.

Useful points you should consider when developing your custom IoT solution.

IIoT Solutions

The IoT is a move to make everything as connected as possible digitally. The necessary infrastructure is getting built and reorganised to get IoT working everywhere. Data generated on this digital platform is used in real-time by concerned stakeholders, using the right software applications, to get insights or desirable outcomes or results.

Depending on the IoT use case, the right kind of software should be developed to work over the platform. The right sensor data at the edge is important for crafting the desired type of IoT application. So, here are some useful tips for you to consider, when building your IoT application on a platform.

  • IoT systems must be able to collect and process data to drive real-time business processes.
  • The system should simplify the deployment and maintenance of the IoT devices for scaling up operations without latency.
  • There are limits on number or type of API calls to the data cache, so it must be efficiently cached where it can be processed without delay, at terabyte speeds.
  • Applications should be built with massive scalability, for high performance in real-time.
  • A Digital Integration Hub (DIH) architecture enables multiple applications to access huge aggregated cache, at in-memory speeds, in a computing platform.
  • Organisations prefer to implement hybrid transactional / analytical processing (HTAP), which has ability to directly run on the operational data and pre-defined analytics, without impacting the system performance.

IoT has the potential to empower any industry (IIoT) or organisation, business or service, by strategically exploiting hi-tech systems and connected devices or machines, against an objective. Basically the Internet of Things is a complex framework with layers of interconnected devices and sensors, involving machines, various gadgets, apps, software, etc. collaborating with each other for a common purpose on a plan.

Consider using Trinetra T-Sense’s software platform to empower your business assets and to set your business strategies for the digital world, with custom IoT solutions. To know more from us, send us us an enquiry, or can visit our Trinetra Tsense website. Just contact us to deliberate on your plans with our professionals at T-Sense.

Predictive Analysis in Industrial IoT

The Internet of Things is having a profound effect on the manufacturing sector, leading to increased automation, more efficient operations, and the creation of valuable new business models. While the application of digital technologies can bring benefits across the value-chain, it is arguably in the area of predictive maintenance that the most significant impact can be derived.

With the use of sensors and data analysis companies can spot patterns in equipment condition, their performance and could accurately predict when a failure might occur. Such foresight eliminates unplanned downtime and helps to deliver substantial productivity benefits.

How and Why IoT is used in Predictive Analytics:

There are a sectors that especially benefit from the data that IoT sensors provide, and few have already integrated these sensors heavily into existing workflows.

  • IoT sensors attached to factory robots can track variables like vibration, temperature, and machine timing — then feed that information into an analytics platform. The data can then be analyzed to predict when a particular machine will need maintenance next.
  • IoT sensors are also used in the predictive analytics of smart cities. With sensors, these cities can measure everything from traffic flow to the use of parking spaces, unleash vast new data streams and provide a better life quality to its inhabitants.

Improving Predictive Analytics with IoT Data:

When a business has access to large amounts of accurate data, it can use predictive analytics to make better decisions. IoT sensors can provide quality information at volumes that have never been possible before,  with this info at hand businesses can improve their ability to forecast the future significantly.

These sensors are already used in a few different capacities — like manufacturing and smart cities. It’s likely that, data becomes more valuable and organizations look for ways to implement IOT to improve their ability to predict future events. Ultimately, IIoT-enabled predictive maintenance provides a brave new world for manufacturers looking to improve productivity, underpin safety and deliver lower costs.

Trinetra Tsense helps to make your business smart by using IoT  solution, which connects all your critical devices, machines, systems people and empowers you to minimize asset downtime, maximize productivity, and ensure workplace safety.

Contact us for a demo, or visit our Trinetra Tsense website . Or just leave us an enquiry and we’ll get in touch.

The COVID-19 caused Lockdown and outlook for IoT.

The massive lockdown triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic has an unprecedented impact on our lives. The repercussions of the lockdown will be long lasting in our lives and the economy. The crisis has its impact on the Internet of Things too, particularly on the technologies and applications involved in it. In the past few weeks we have witnessed the effect of COVID-19 Lockdown on all types of businesses and organisations and their functioning.

The ‘work from home’ method has been adopted widely by most sectors, because of the lockdown, to maintain social-distance and avoid or restrict our movement, Let us see how it has impacted on IoT in this scenario,

The disease has brought business in produces and services to a standstill. Logistics and transportation are affected badly as demand and supply is paralysed. Whatever processes can be automated will be done so. Many new entrants will have to try a similar methodology to keep things going. However, personal IoT device has dropped in demand, despite consumers being indoor,s in the great lockdown.

Remote access is important. So, telecommunications is now crucial for tools and applications that work online. Desktop and mobile apps, video calling apps, are now at the forefront for communicating. Organisations having remote access platforms or IoT implementation are now greatly benefited. People can run offices, businesses and transactions (financial too) virtually in real-time. In the near future automation and IoT applications are sure to gain preference in all sectors, as it doesn’t risk human exposure.

The Digital Twins technology is useful. Developed as part of digitisation and IoT platforms, Digital Twins tech will be very helpful in this crisis period. Digital Twins can create a digital representation of a process, machinery or supply chain, to enable control to both providers and customers. It enables in planning further to overcome the predictable challenges ahead.

Drones are being deployed. Drones have been deployed in new roles. A concept akin to IoT, they are remote controlled mini quadcopters that are being deployed in this scenario for police surveillance, aerial monitoring of spaces and assets, for delivery of medical supplies, for broadcast media, for agriculture and others.

Installing of retrofit IOT solutions is gaining popularity. Those not digitally connected or enabled, will find a retrofit solution beneficial although not a customised solution. It can be a quick fix in the need of the hour,

 Smart city platform gains importance. During this period of crisis an overlaying data platform of a smart city initiative can be a most important tool that can leveraged various functions.

Tracking & monitoring solutions get extensive uses. Supply chains disruption and demand changes can be easily adopted by a tracking and monitoring solution. It also helps to cut costs and to plan ahead.

Specific health applications using IoT. Telephonic or video conferencing methods are being used by doctors for consultation and more so during Lockdown. Specific IoT devises can perform digital diagnostics. Remote IOT monitoring solution for elderly and chronic patients is a boon. Robots too have found use in hospital tasks.

Empower your business assets and plan strategies for any circumstances in the digital world. Consider IoT solutions from Trinetra T-Sense’s software IoT platform. Learn how the web-based software, with mobile app integration, can be your answer for success. To know more, place an enquiry, via our  Trinetra Tsense website. You can also contact us and discuss your plans with us at T-Sense.

Beware of and prevent data compromise in IoT.

The present generation is living and working in an increasingly digital world. Legacy systems are getting integrated with digital ones as the digital transformation expands worldwide. The current generation has the privilege of the internet which is now available all the time and practically part of their lives.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just part of smart connected devices and smartphones, but is also spreading across financial and industrial sectors. Industrial IoT (IIoT) is reshaping things in manufacturing and smart products radically.

Companies are integrating legacy systems to an IoT platform to make fully automated factories or management systems. All activities can be monitored and controlled through the digital platform. This is happening in a wider scale with the advent of smart city projects.

Protection & Safety. However, the digital environment is not immune to security threats and cyber-attacks. Thus the digital environment and IoT platforms too have to be protected and secured to ensure trust and reliability in use and function, to all stakeholders. There are some simple ways to prevent data compromise and breaches or vulnerabilities.

Better to avoid Bluetooth. Bluetooth which is a wireless technology for data sharing in physical proximity of devices does not use the internet. But it is also not perfectly safe either. Avoid it as it can be hacked.

To prevent vulnerability turn it off when not in use or, keep it in ‘non-discoverable’ mode; decline ‘pair with device’ requests if an unknown source. You can also install anti-virus and firewall in such devices.

Updates & Passwords. No system can be 100% safe, so update your devices’ software regularly to avoid any data breach. A strong password is an IoT way of protection, so follow the guidelines carefully.

Protection via VPN connection. Top Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers offer a practical and safe way as they provide encrypted data transmission, masking your IP address and offer cyber security features.

GDPR Compliant. One of the ways to ensure safety of your IoT solutions and proprietary data is to build it GDPR compliant.

Data privacy is an issue in the wake of cyber-attacks and data breaches or leaks, mainly owing to the enormous data traffic and storage on the web and connected systems. To prevent data compromise be ahead in prevention and protection. To prevent phishing and data theft avoid sharing personal information on social media or exact location. Read the fine print before sign-up or clicking ‘I Agree’.

However, new technologies and software are being developed updated and shared for better security consolidation over the internet. It is in your hands to adopt the right strategy, hardware and software to build and use the preferred IoT platform and systems.

IoT is a framework of complex layers of interconnected devices, sensors, machines, gadgets, software, etc. It empowers any industry (IIoT), business, service or organisation, to plan and fully exploit hi-tech systems and connected devices or machines.

To empower your business assets and set strategies for the digital world, consider Trinetra T-Sense’s software platform for IoT solutions. Find out how this web-based software, capable of mobile app integration, can be the answer for your successful expansion. To know more leave us an enquiry, or visit our Trinetra Tsense website. Or contact us and discuss your plans with our team at T-Sense.

Increasing potential of AI and ML in IoT solutions everywhere

IoT Asset Monitoring solutions

With new technologies being introduced, the world and our lifestyles are also changing significantly. We see Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) getting into our daily activities and life. The result of these technologies is that we get vacuum cleaners that learn the layout of the room; we see the banking sector implementing AI and ML to protect personal finances and detect anomalies; we see retail e-stores use this tech to cleverly manage products & services with customer preferences.

Evidently the Internet of Things (IoT) is resorting to AI and ML increasingly to optimise business operations across many industrial and commercial sectors .it also indicates that an increasing number of devices and sensors are being developed and deployed across many industries and services. Thereby an unprecedented volume of data is being generated. This is nearly impossible to be utilised or assimilated without the AI and ML involvement.

AI and ML are now turning into practical necessities because of data and software proliferation, as they are designed to handle sophisticated services that are being demanded ever more in the markets.  They find use in cross-vertical areas, such as logistics, optimisation, connected vehicles and even security & vigilance. It has started working in bank ATM security monitoring, in fleet tracking, heart monitors and home entertainment.

It all boils down to the fact that AI and ML help to better customer experience, lower a lot of costs, automate and robotise, offer more effective solutions with tangible benefits to all who use the related products and services. So businesses and organisations cannot ignore AI completely hereafter. They have to understand and correctly utilise this very potential combination of AI and ML with human potential to set themselves apart from the completion in the coming days.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a complex web of interconnected devices, sensors, machines, gadgets, software, etc. The Trinetra T-Sense’s software platform for IoT empowers any industry (IIoT), business, service or organisation to plan and utilise hi-tech devices or machines to empower their business assets and set strategies for the digital world. Find out how resourceful this web-based software with mobile app integration, can be for your sector by visiting our Trinetra Tsense website. Or you can contact us and discuss your plans with our T-Sense executives.

Empowering OEMs for the digital era with IoT solutions

Empowering OEM's for IoT

The impact of digital transformation is being felt in all quarters of industry and business globally. Evolving customer needs has seen growing complexity in machine design and manufacturing. So, OEM machine builders have to step up from their traditional machine design practices to deliver ‘smart’ machines that yield higher throughput and are safer, but reduce cost of operation.

If machine builders don’t integrate an Industrial IoT solution into their system first, they will miss out on an opportunity to grow and also to provide additional services to their customers or clients. It is now time an industrial Internet of Things solution is incorporated into the machines that are being built by them, again to provide those additional services for the customers.

OEMs should integrate industrial IoT solutions with their machines, in the manufacturing process and offer to sell the machine itself as a service based on its performance. The GPS Tracking system used with sensing devices built in to transfer data on various parameters is useful for monitoring and assessing performance in real-time. A web-based IoT platform can integrate a mobile app for users.

The IoT solution is to leverage and differentiate the OEM from other competitors. Obviously empowering OEMs with IoT offers great benefits in this digital age.

  • Performance: By monitoring machine performance the OEM can show value addition to the customers’ production process. New business models tend to sell machine as a service, with a performance based price structure. Customers benefit by reducing process lead time, waste and downtimes. In machine as a service customer does not pay for defects or downtime or replacement.
  • Maintenance: OEMs can collect useful data if the machine is connected online. the data accessible will show how the machine is working, if any anomaly is detected. So stakeholders can take be warned and made to take corrective actions. Analysing the data helps recognise machine failure in advance and help predictive maintenance. The data analysed can also help OEM to improve on maintenance, performance and make design alterations if required.
  • Big Data: if data is collected from all over the world a huge set of data can be obtained. This Big Data can be used to understand how machine design can be improved. A predictive maintenance strategy can be developed in a global scale with Big Data analysis by the manufacturer. As for the customer, he gets useful insights out of Big Data analysis, to his advantage that the OEM can share. Statistics and KPIs will help customers to benchmark their machine’s (or machinery’s) performance against the competition in the market.

The Trinetra T-Sense’s software platform empowers an OEM or any other company to plan and maximise utilisation of your machines and business assets with an IoT strategy for the digital era. How resourceful this web-based platform can be for your business or products can be discussed with our T-Sense team. With mobile app integration, the system enables to cut costs and improve efficiency. For more information, contact us or visit our Trinetra Tsense website.