Key Advantages

Key Advantages

Customizable micro service architecture

Each feature hosted on the IoT platform essentially is part of a collection of micro services. Each micro service performs specific functions, such as messaging or visualisation. A micro service is for simplifying customisation and to effectively separate functions or concerns between parts of the platform. Micro services can be integrated with third party systems and interact using APIs. Skip or replace a micro service as per your requirements

Scalable, expandable, self-correcting

Trinetra T-Sense is capable of supporting as many endpoints as needed because the system is scalable, or expanded by adding servers to the network. Thanks to the architecture, the platform has self-correcting capabilities to help restore endpoints if ever any failure happens on the platform.

Freedom of technology

Trinetra T-Sense can deploy its service anywhere you prefer, from which you can manage your own data centre room, using either physical or virtual machines or by hosting it on a cloud infrastructure. The platform accommodates hybrid deployments, for instance when an application being run in the data centre is scaled into the cloud, when performance demands so.

Open IoT protocols

The Trinetra T-Sense platform will support messaging with devices using TCP/IP, MQTT and UDP protocols, that are widely used in IoT and have numerous implementations for all mainstream languages. By default, application level protocols on the platform use JSON encoding, which is available in all programming languages. The protocols are open and developed using transparent RFC process.

Gateway support

Connectivity between devices and platform can be chosen via an IoT gateway. As per requirement and the related devices, you can connect two devices or have a multiplexed connection for multiple devices that are using the platform. For devices not supporting the protocols, the data can be converted into the platform supporting protocols (using source code or firmware). For sensors having tiny computing power these gateways may be the only option, on the local IoT environment, like WAN, ZigBee, or especially for such legacy devices not allowing access to their firmware or source code.


Trinetra T-Sense helps to organise the device ecosystem with a unique set of functions and related capabilities. The platform manages the data flows by isolating the device management functionality.

The system defines separate types of devices possessing unique functionalities and capabilities, such as those used for tracking a car, or a telecom transmitter, or a power generator or for waste management.

Therefore, every endpoint will be attributed to one application. This helps in isolating the device management functionality and arranging the device ecosystem to effectively manage the data flow across the platform. So, a one solution cluster setup can support multiple applications, simultaneously facilitating cross-application interaction.

Application versioning

The Trinetra T-Sense design concept supports application versioning flexibly. The capabilities of your endpoints are defined by the different application versions. This allows the introduction of some new capabilities that may arise over time in the installed IoT solution. The platform thus maintains support of all application versions assigned to the devices on field.

Built on open components

Trinetra T-Sense’s universal platform relies upon a variety of popular and proven, well-tested open-source components. This platform design vividly improves a learning curve for the new users. It makes it into an open and highly customizable solution right from its core.